Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Marriage Retreat" Released

"Marriage Retreat," my fifth produced feature, has just been released on DVD.

It will probably be a couple of months before I have the opportunity to blog about this film in detail which is just as well.  I must hone my skills at diplomacy between now and then.  From start to finish, this was an utterly crazy and out-of-control project.  This is also the first project where my co-writer Tim Ratajczak and I were truly rewritten.  Sure, we had had lines and scenes cut and added before, but this was the first time we were truly rewritten from the ground up -- and we were rewritten by everybody:  Actors, producers, the director, craft services.  That guy who walked by and had a few ideas....  You name it.

For many of the principal people involved, the most surprising thing about film is how well it ultimately turned out in the end.  I must say that I think Sean The Film Editor had more to do with that than Sean The Screenwriter, but judge for yourself!

Follow me on Twitter:  SeanPaulMurphy
Follow me on Instagram: Sean Paul Murphy


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