Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sacred Ground: Now Available

My award-winning documentary "Sacred Ground:  The Battle for Mount Auburn Cemetery" is now streaming and available for purchase.

"Sacred Ground:  The Battle for Mount Auburn Cemetery" tells the story of community activists and family members battling a Methodist Church for control of the historic African-American Cemetery.  For years, Mount Auburn Cemetery was the only place African-Americans could be buried in the city of Baltimore.  It is the burial place of lightweight boxing champion Joe Gans, the first African-American world champion in any sport, and numerous leaders of the early Civil Rights struggle.  It is a registered historic landmark that has fallen into such shocking disrepair that human bones litter the ground.  It is a tale of grave recycling and grave robbing but mostly a tale of underdogs fighting the powers-to-be so that their ancestors can rest in dignity.

This film was a definite labor of love both for us, the filmmakers, and our "stars"over our six years of filming.  More importantly, I believe the pressure we applied help improve conditions at this sad landmark.  Director David Butler and I are delighted that the film is now available.

You can stream the film here:  PureFlix   It is a subscription website, but they offer a free one month trial.  Feel free to sign up, enjoy a free month, then cancel before you are charged.

You can also buy the film here:  Sacred Ground

The film is also available at libraries all around the country.  Ask for it at yours!

Here's the trailer:

Be sure to check out my book The Promise, or the Pros and Cons of Talking with God.  It is available in paperback and on Kindle courtesy of TouchPoint Press.

Follow me on Twitter:  SeanPaulMurphy

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