Friday, September 25, 2020

Yippee-Ki-Yay Mother Podcast #43: Singin' In The Rain

Here's another COVID free ZOOM edition of the Yippee-Ki-Yay Mother Podcast, a lively discussion of the movies.

This episode John Quattrucci, Q Brother #2, goes to the well again for another all-time classic film as he brings the 1952 musical comedy Singin' In The Rain to the table. Many people consider this film, starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor, the best Hollywood musical ever made. This film has brought joy into the lives of millions of people around the world for generations. Surely this is one film that the Mother Podcasters will unite around.....

Additionally, this week we are joined by Ralph and John's niece Julia Quattrucci. Perhaps she can tell us once and for all which one of her uncles pronounces their last name correctly.

  Here's the podcast on YouTube:

This week the Quattrucci brothers Cue It Up (again). Take a listen to our first official spin-off on the YKYMP network.

 Our Podcast is now available for download on iTunes: Yippee Ki Yay Mother Podcast
Subscribe to our YouTube page: Yippee Ki Yay Mother Podcast
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And follow her on Twitter: @TheMicheleWojo

Check out our other episodes here:

My novel Chapel Street is now available! You can currently buy the Kindle and paperback at Amazon and the Nook, paperback and hardcover at Barnes & Noble.

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