Monday, June 1, 2020

Unconditional, Chapter 1, read by Yours Truly

When I promised to read a chapter every week of one of my books during the COVID-19 lockdown, I said I also wanted to read from some works in progress.  This is one of them.

Unconditional, or the Pros and Cons of Missionary Dating, would be the sequel to my published memoir, The Promise, or the Pros and Cons of Talking with God.

My first memoir dealt with my relationship with God, and how it played out in the relationship with my first love. In this intended sequel, my relationship with God plays out against my relationship with a Maryland farm girl named Andrea, with two young sons, I met online during the dawn of Internet dating in the early 1990s. I entered the relationship in prayerfully. The Lord instructed me to show her His love. I opted instead to show her my love. Naturally, disaster ensues. Then again, how could I expect otherwise when this was first photo I sent her of myself:

I thought if a woman went out with me
after seeing this picture, I had it made!
Since our relationship began on the Internet, our various emotionally harrowing twists and turns were well-documented in emails which I kept. Those emails, plus my correspondence with other female friends and potential paramours, would provide the backbone of the narrative.

This book would be about more than the flesh vying with the spirit, and the flesh getting the spirit in a headlock rather early on. It would be about how some special women I met during the 1990s taught me how to truly love unconditionally -- a skill that paid off mightily in the 2000s. But that would be yet another memoir!

I hope you enjoy it.

I'll be back with another chapter of a book soon. Until then, stay safe!

Here's some uncorrected sample chapters of my upcoming paranormal thriller :

Learn more about the book, click Here.

Read about the true haunting that inspired the novel here:

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