Sean Paul Murphy, Writer

Sean Paul Murphy, Writer
Sean Paul Murphy, Storyteller

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Promise, Chapter 3, read by Your Truly

Here's another chapter of my memoir The Promise, or the Pros and Cons of Talking with God. It is my tale of first faith and first love and how the two became almost fatality intertwined. The Kindle edition of the book is currently on sale on Amazon for .99 cents. That's a savings of seven dollars!

I have to make a confession. I have abridged this chapter. I wanted to keep this video under twenty minutes. It was difficult. When I originally wrote the book, I devoted three chapters to my childhood. My first editor, Trish Schweers, ran her red pen through many of my incidents and anecdotes, recommending that I only keep stories that forwarded my themes and foreshadowed upcoming events. She was right, of course, but she left me with one very long chapter. It is not, however, the longest chapter. That would be the next one. It might be a few weeks before I post that one!

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Here are other author reads:

Chapel Street:

Chapel Street - Prologue
Chapel Street - Chapter 1 -
Chapel Street - Chapter 2 - Elisabetta
Chapel Street - Chapter 3 - The Upload
Chapel Street - Chapter 4 - The Kobayashi Maru


Here's a link to the book on Amazon.  During the month of May, the Kindle Edition is for sale for only .99 cents!

Here are some sample chapters:

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